Cubs Go Down Swinging, Way Too Often

There are games over the course of a season that just leave you aggravated beyond belief, file this one in that category.  The Cubs fell to the Sox today in what was, as predicted, as intense a game as the Cubs have played all season.  Jeff Samardzija was solid again going 7 and 1/3rd, only giving up three runs on six hits.  Two of those runs were off the bat of Paul Konerko in the first inning as he launched a Jeff Samardzija fastball into the bleachers in left field.  In Paul Konerko’s next at bat he was hit in the face by a Jeff Samardzija off speed pitch.  It was clearly an accident, but some people just can’t get that through their heads.  Konerko was hit was a 2-2 off speed pitch that got away from Samardzija, Konerko had to leave the game with a laceration and swelling near his left eye, hope he’s alright.  Phillip Humber tried to retaliate, but missed LaHair, which is easy to do I guess, he’s only 6’5″, 240 pounds.

Going back to our headline, the Cubs went down swinging, way too much.  This had to be the worst game of the season as far as an approach goes.  Humber, who was pulled in the 7th inning with a one run lead had only thrown 66 pitches.  I understand wanting to be aggressive, but be aggressive in the zone, way too many of the Cubs hitters were swinging at the first pitch, the second pitch, and most of the time it was out of the zone.  The situation even called for taking pitches, like when Humber issues two walks in three hitters in the 6th, both Soriano and Castillo were swinging away on the first pitch, unacceptable.  Process this for a second, the Cubs, in 9 innings today, saw 93 pitches, 93!  Samardzija threw 113 all by himself in 7+ innings.  David DeJesus has not cooled down one bit as he had another productive day at the plate going 2-for-4 with another double to lead off the game.  Darwin Barney is starting to make solid contact as well as he was 2-for-4 on the day which raised his average to .278 on the season.  Full box score and highlights after the jump, including Woody.

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